Dimension Values


This table shows you the base Coins/Souls per second for each Dimension when using Sword. This assumes that you are slaying all enemies (with Boost if checked). It also does not take into consideration any boosts to your Coin collection.

Dimension Coins Souls


This table shows you the base Coins/Souls per second for each Dimension when using Bow. This assumes that you are slaying all enemies. It also does not take into consideration any boosts to your Coin collection. Giants are assumed to be killed with Sword (with Boost if checked) and instantly when encountered.

Dimension Coins Souls

Rage Mode

This table shows the average Coins and Souls per second for each Dimension during Rage Mode. It also does not take into consideration any boosts to your Coin collection.

Dimension Coins Souls

Random Box Spawn Rate

Random Box Bonus Odds

Selecting the Bonus Stage option will remove the Frenzy and Horde events from the pool as these events cannot occur in a Bonus Stage.


Average number of
Random Boxes until Event

Disclaimer: If you auto-translate the page, it is unlikely to function correctly, in particular, the Armory section will not work.
To report any other issues with the calculator, contact GCHeroes#1337 on Discord.